Abstract | Kriza je svaka neplanirana i neželjena okolnost u životu tvrtke. Krize predstavljaju i posebno područje odnosa s javnošću koje obuhvaća predviđanje potencijalnih kriznih situacija, pripremu za njih, njihovo rješavanje te komuniciranje s oštećenima, medijima i drugim bitnim javnostima, kao i analizu i ocjenjivanje postupanja nakon završetka kriznog stanja. Kvaliteta kriznog komuniciranja od presudnog je značenja za budućnost tvrtke pogođene krizom. Tvrtke s dobro organiziranim odnosima s javnošću imaju pripremljene krizne planove koji određuju postupke u slučaju nastanka krize. U njima se određuju i uloge kriznog tima koji čine vodeći ljudi tvrtke i njihovi komunikacijski stručnjaci.
Svrha ovoga rada bila je pridonijeti rasvjetljavanju pitanja kriznog komuniciranja u prehrambenoj industriji i sagledavanju važnosti postojanja razrađenog kriznog plana. Prema rezultatima anketnog istraživanja, većina tvrtki ima krizni plan, ali priprema se za moguće krize samo jednom godišnje ili rjeđe. Najčešće vrste kriznih situacija s kojima su se ispitanici u prehrambenom sektoru susretali su povlačenje proizvoda s tržišta i pritužbe na proizvod. Kada nastupe krizne situacije, tvrtke prehrambene industrije prvenstveno reagiraju strategijom ponovne izgradnje, zatim strategijom umanjivanja, a najrjeđe strategijom poricanja. Pri tome, kao komunikacijsku tehniku, najčešće koriste neslužbene sastanke, telefonske razgovore i priopćenja za medije. |
Abstract (english) | The crisis is any unplanned and unwanted circumstance in the life of the company. Crises represent the special field of public relations that includes predicting potential crises, preparing for them, solving them, and communicating with the damaged parties, the media, and other relevant audiences, as well as analysis and evaluation of actions after the end of a crisis. The quality of crisis communication is crucial for the future of the company affected by the crisis. Companies with well-organized public relations have prepared crisis plans that determine the actions if the crisis occurs. Those plans also determine the role of the crisis team, which consists of managers of the company and their communication specialists.
The goal of this study was to clarify some issues regarding crisis communication in the food industry and the perceived importance of having an elaborate plan for handling crisis situations. According to the survey results, most companies have a crisis plan, but they prepare for potential crisis only once a year or less. The most common types of crises which the respondents in the food sector have encountered are product recalls and complaints about a product. When crisis situations are already occurring, food industry companies mainly react with a rebuild crisis response strategy, followed with a diminish crisis response strategy, and in the least number of cases with a deny crisis response strategy. Besides, as communication technique, with the same frequency they use informal meetings, telephone calls, and press releases, while rarely, but also with the same frequency, they use communication via social networks and e-mails, and the preparation of written materials. |