Abstract | Mnoge marke danas se promoviraju kao luksuzne jer riječ „luksuz“ prodaje proizvod pa se čini da luksuz gubi svoje pravo značenje. Međutim, treba razlikovati tri značenja pojma luksuz: luksuz kao koncept ima subjektivan karakter; luksuz je gospodarski sektor koji su nekada činile uglavnom obiteljske tvrtke, a sada je koncentriran na konglomerate i luksuz je specifična strategija. Cilj je ovoga rada objasniti sva značenja pojma luksuz, a posebno specifičnosti u upravljanju luksuznim markama što podrazumijeva četiri poslovna modela: model luksuz, moda, premium i masstige model. U Hrvatskoj ne postoji značajan broj istraživanja o luksuznim markama niti o tome kako ih hrvatski potrošači percipiraju. Zato se u drugom djelu rada, putem metode ispitivanja uz pomoć anketnog upitnika, provodi istraživanje percepcije hrvatskih potrošača o konceptu luksuza, čimbenicima koji utječu na percipiranu vrijednost luksuznih marka, te percipiraju li hrvatski potrošači različiti stupanj luksuznosti za četiri odabrane marke ovisno o poslovnom modelu kojima se njima upravlja. Rezultati kazuju da hrvatski potrošači percipiraju koncept luksuzne marke primarno kroz karakteristiku visoke cijene, zatim kroz karakteristike luksuzne atmosfere na prodajnim mjestima, osjećaj privilegiranosti, limitiranu distribuciju, dugu povijest i tradiciju, vrhunsku estetiku, a najmanje kroz karakteristiku funkcionalnosti. Važnija im je funkcionalna i individualna dimenzija, nego financijska i društvena dimenzija percipirane vrijednosti luksuznih maraka. Prosječan potrošač ne može znati kojim poslovnim modelom se upravlja nekom luksuznom markom, a je li neka marka luksuzna u konačnici ovisi o tome percipiraju li je kao takvu potrošači. |
Abstract (english) | Many brands today claim to be luxury brands, because the word "luxury" sells. As a result, the word luxury seems to be losing its true meaning. However, three meanings of the term luxury should be distinguished: luxury as a concept has a subjective character; luxury is an economic sector that was once made up mostly of family businesses and is now concentrated in conglomerates and luxury is a specific strategy. The aim of this paper is to explain all the meanings of the term luxury, and especially the specifics in the management of luxury brands, which includes four business models: luxury model, fashion, premium and masstige model. There is no significant amount of research in Croatia on luxury brands or how Croatian consumers perceive them. Therefore, in the second part of the paper, through a survey method using a questionnaire, a survey of Croatian consumers' perceptions of the concept of luxury, factors influencing the perceived value of luxury brands, and whether Croatian consumers perceive different levels of luxury for four selected brands depending on the business model. they are managed. The results show that Croatian consumers perceive the concept of a luxury brand primarily through the characteristic of high price, then through the characteristics of luxury atmosphere at points of sale, sense of privilege, limited distribution, long history and tradition, superior aesthetics, and least through functionality. The functional and individual dimension is more important to them than the financial and social dimension of the perceived value of luxury brands. The average consumer may not know which business model is driven by a luxury brand, and whether a brand is luxury ultimately depends on whether it is perceived as such by consumers. |